#NCVotesEarly: Because of that time Thom Tillis called equal pay for women a “campaign gimmick”

On the issue of equal pay for women, Congressional candidate Thom Tillis responded at a recent debate by saying that government should enforce day6_early_vote.v.2existing laws, not adopt “some of the campaign gimmicks that are going to put more regulations and make it more difficult.”

Tillis’ not-so-tactful comments drew the ire of many women across North Carolina and the nation, including Hillary Clinton, who said this weekend while visiting Charlotte with Sen. Kay Hagan, “You have to ask yourself, is it pro-family? Is it pro-North Carolina to say that equal pay for women is just a campaign gimmick? When I heard that I thought I’d misheard it. … This is not just a women’s issue. This is a family issue. A fairness issue. An economic issue.”

“Usually,” Clinton said with a wry smile, “there’s a subtle way to be discriminatory and insulting.”

Tillis’ insulting way with women might explain why Kay Hagan continues to hold a double-digit lead on her opponent among female voters in polls over the past two months, and why we give her our full support right here.

For more candidates who support women’s equality, check out our custom NARAL Pro-Choice NC Voters’ Guide.

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